Who is


Mark Daniels is an Executive Music Producer and the on-air radio personality behind the syndicated shows “Artist Spotlight” and “Pillow Talk” . Mark Daniels strives to find the best solution for his clients and therefore works with several music producers including KLUBJUMPERS and Ronnie "Chico" DiCicco. As an individual that came into his own in the music industry later in life, Mark Daniels is a self-proclaimed Champion of the Independent Artist and wants to help others achieve their musical dreams the way he has achieved his own.

Featured RELEASE

Young & BeautifuL

KLUBJUMPERS X Featuring Tayah Ettienne

Directed by: Kate Lomas

Executive Producer: Mark Daniels

DEBUT at #21 on NMW Top 40 Indie Chart - Highest debut



Mark Daniels will not only help you define your creative vision and artistic direction, but also works with each artist on a personal level helping them to navigate the music industry.

Working closely with the artist, vocal coaches, music producers, and other key stakeholders, Mark Daniels ensures that each artist receives the emotional and technical support that they need to become a success.


When working with Mark Daniels, he will handle everything, including acquisition of technical and human resources, management of timelines, coordination of the production team, and ensuring quality control needed to help you achieve your artistic vision.

Mark Daniels’ goal is to help you make your passion a reality by easing you through the intricacies of production and allowing you to focus on the music.


Mark Daniels has the connections and experience to help you with any marketing and promotional strategies for your song or album. Working closely with affiliated music producers and other stakeholders, Mark Daniels works with each artist on an individualized marketing and promotion campaign designed to create awareness, artist branding and audience market fit.

RADIO Promotion

  • One Web Banner on Radio Station’s Website; + One Commercial

    **Price is per Radio station

  • Banner on Radio Station’s Website: 4 weeks on selected Station 

    Interview with On-Air Personality: replayed 1 time per week per station

    Music: In rotation for 4 weeks on different radio stations throughout the United States

  • Digital and FM Radio Campaign w/Production

    Includes Indie Top 40 Chart, Top 100 Chart, and Top 40 Chart + Weekly Reports

  • Showcase songs highest charting position 

    **Doesn't Include Shipping

Studio Production

Projects and Affiliates

Book a free consultation



Sponsorship of one of many daily shows

On Four Separate Radio Stations

Option A:

1 month of liners/spots, twice an hour and during two shows announced as a sponsor.  

Option B:   

1 month of liners/spots, three times an hour and during every daily show announced as a sponsor and listed on chosen Radio Stations website with a link to your company.